Unlock the true
productivity potential
of frontline workforce

Empower every individual of your organization to achieve their goals through our platform in a fun and interactive way.  

Empower, Energize, Excel: Maximizing Team Performance

Activate Underperformers

Encourage Healthy Competition

Access Data Driven Performance

A league tracks and ranks players based on their performance, much like sports

We use the same principle as sports leagues. Competitors are pitted against each other through measurable KPIs

Inspire your employees to reach their targets. Help the rest of your team perform like the top 10%

Our Platform Features

Break down the vision into action plan

  • Provide personalized action plans that align individual goals with organizational objectives. 
  • Encourage healthy competition and continuous improvement with real-time performance scores.
  • Identify where team performers are concentrated with respect to overall performance and execute targeted actions for teams. 

Performance Scorecards


Ignite teams with personalized nudges and engagement

  • Send personalized automated nudges based on the individual performance with behavioral intelligence.
  • Influence positive behavioral change by creating a sense of accomplishment.

Level up your team with instant rewards

  • Dispatch rewards instantly after achievement and keep the momentum high of frontline workforce. 
  • No more monthly waits – individuals can participate in various micro rewards and win enticing rewards on a daily, weekly, and more frequent basis.

Instant Rewards

Live Feeds

Engage your workforce with Intra-organizational social media

  • Recognize your team by posting, reacting, sharing and celebrating team’s success together.
  • Foster healthy competition by updating live performance scores, announce winners, rewards and more.
  • Energize and boost team morale and build a positive work culture.

Give your team a learning hub in their pockets

  • Drive upskilling and learning within your teams through bite sized microlearning.
  • Teams and managers can instantly share their knowledge with a single click.

Learn Hub

Performance Groups

Targeted performance improvement

Effective automated micro-segmentation based on performance allows managers to boost productivity per person and identify areas for action.

50% of company have started
integration leagues into their strategy
with amazing results

What Our Customers are Saying

Ryzeup has been one of the best investments we have made in our recruiting career. It’s helped us immensely to better spot the top talent, hone our recruiter’s approach and ultimately skyrocket our technical recruiting metrics. It’s a must-have for any recruiter looking to improve their results!

- Established recruitment firm in Hyderabad

Ryzeup is a great platform for technical recruiters. It's a simple way to engage with them and boost their performance by 80%. We've seen an improvement in our retention rate, as well as the quality of candidates coming in because of the incentives Ryzeup provides. Highly recommended!

- A top technical recruitment firm

Transform your frontline into a powerhouse

We Make a Difference

See the transformative impact we’ve had on diverse companies across various industries. 

Frame 59

Success Stories